Government outlines expectations for NBN Co Special Access Undertaking variation

Along with the Minister for Finance, Senator the Hon. Katy Gallagher, I have written to NBN Co outlining the Government’s expectations in relation to the Special Access Undertaking (SAU) variation process currently underway.


27 July 2022

Media release

Australian Government delivers better connectivity in Durack

The communities of Kalumburu and Jigalong in Western Australia will be able to access better mobile and broadband connectivity with the completion of projects delivered under the Australian Government’s Regional…

25 July 2022

Media release

Australian Government delivers better connectivity in Lyons

The community of Melton Mowbray, Tasmania will be able to access better mobile and broadband connectivity with the completion of projects delivered under the Australian Government’s Regional Connectivity Program.

22 July 2022

Media release

Melbourne's fringe to benefit from better mobile connectivity

The Australian and Victorian Governments will improve mobile connectivity for 20 locations across the fringes of Greater Melbourne through the Australian Government’s Peri-Urban Mobile Program (PUMP).

22 July 2022

Media release

Japan and Australia strengthen relationship on telecommunications resilience and security with ministerial visit

Australia and Japan have further strengthened their long-standing relationship following bilateral Ministerial meetings in Melbourne and Sydney to establish the Australia-Japan Policy Dialogue on Telecommunications Resilience.

15 July 2022

Media release

Telstra finalises acquisition of Digicel Pacific

The Australian Government welcomes today’s announcement by Telstra of the finalisation of its acquisition of Digicel Pacific. 

14 July 2022

Media release

Interview with ABC News Channel, News Breakfast
SUBJECTS: Telecommunications, Scam Text Messages, Jobs and Skills Summit.

12 July 2022


Interview with Seven, Sunrise
SUBJECTS: Text message scams, Telecommunication companies.

12 July 2022


New ACMA rules set to protect Australians from SMS scams

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has today registered new rules that will protect Australians against SMS scams.


12 July 2022

Media release

Boosting data for SkyMuster NBN users in regional and rural Australia

Minister for Communications, the Hon Michelle Rowland MP welcomes NBN Co’s enhancements to Sky Muster Plus satellite services, which has the potential to provide a major boost to over 108,000 households and businesses…

08 July 2022

Media release

Press conference, Wyalong Solar Farm
SUBJECTS: Renewable Energy, Wyalong Solar Farm, Bland Shire Council, NBN Co.

07 July 2022


West Wyalong region to power up NBN with renewables

The Australian Government has today welcomed the commencement of construction of a solar farm that has been enabled by NBN Co’s commitment to 100 per cent renewable electricity purchases from December 2025.

07 July 2022

Media release

Government extends a lifeline to local and regional media

The Australian Government will provide $15 million to local and regional newspaper publishers to help absorb newsprint price hikes which threaten to wipe out local newspaper titles for good.

04 July 2022

Media release

Australian Government marks 90 years of the ABC

Minister for Communications the Hon Michelle Rowland MP has today recognised the valuable contribution the ABC has made to Australian society and economy as the national broadcaster marks its 90th anniversary.

01 July 2022

Media release

First major milestone delivered under the Better Connectivity for Rural and Regional Australia Plan

The Australian Government has delivered its first major milestone under the Better Connectivity for Rural and Regional Australia Plan, with $480 million provided to NBN Co to upgrade the NBN fixed wireless…

27 June 2022

Media release