Supporting Australia’s multicultural media sector
The Albanese Government is investing in Australia’s multicultural media, today announcing funding of $11.3 million over three years in recognition of the critical role of the independent multicultural media sector in fostering an inclusive and informed society.
Informed by the Multicultural Framework Review and its three key principles of connection; identity and belonging; and inclusion, the funding will support the sustainability and capacity building of small to medium multicultural media outlets.
This investment includes a competitive grant program of up to $10 million for eligible multicultural media organisations to transition to sustainable new media practices, and operational funding of $1.3 million to the not-for-profit Independent Multicultural Media Australia.
This new funding for multicultural media is in addition to the Government’s commitment to provide $153.5 million over four years to implement the News Media Assistance Program (News MAP), as well as an additional $27 million to back Australia’s vital community broadcasting sector.
The administration of the funding for multicultural media will align with the News MAP, which guides government intervention to support public interest journalism and media diversity in Australia, whilst balancing the need to maintain the independence of the sector.
Work to implement the News MAP is now underway, including to establish an expert advisory panel and design the administration of funding opportunities to support and build the sustainability and capacity of news organisations.
Further information on grant opportunities to support multicultural media will be available in due course.
The Government recognises multicultural media as critical to the health of our democracy, social cohesion and informing communities.
For more information on the Multicultural Framework Review and the Government’s Response, visit Multicultural Framework Review - Australian Government Response.
For more information on News MAP, visit News Media Assistance Program (News MAP).
For more information on the Community Broadcasting Program and the Community Broadcasting Sector Sustainability Review, visit Community Broadcasting Program.
Quotes attributable to the Assistant Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, the Hon Julian Hill MP
“Independent multicultural media outlets are the most trusted source of news and information for many Australians.
“It’s absolutely critical that they continue so all Australians have access to quality journalism, and avoid succumbing to rumours and misinformation permeating social media, WhatsApp and other online groups.
“The Labor Government has listened and is acting on the Multicultural Framework Review’s advice which highlighted the need for government support to help multicultural media outlets be sustainable and adapt to digital environments.”
Quotes attributable to the Minister for Communications, the Hon Michelle Rowland MP
“The Albanese Government is continuing its strong support for the multicultural media sector, with additional funding to support public interest journalism in this vital part of our media landscape.
“This funding will complement the News Media Assistance Program (News MAP), and is in addition to two funding rounds already delivered by the Albanese Labor Government to support local news publishers, including multicultural media.
“An independent and diverse multicultural media sector is at the heart of local communities, is essential to building social cohesion and makes a vital contribution to media diversity in Australia."