$1.1 billion for a safer, more efficient Western Freeway

The Albanese Labor Government is building Australia’s future, boosting our nation’s productivity and connecting our region’s communities by investing in our highway network. 

We’re investing $1.1 billion to upgrade Victoria’s Western Freeway – the major highway connecting Melbourne to Adelaide, and our regions to both cities. 

This brings our total investment in the Western Freeway corridor to $2.1 billion.

Approximately 86,000 vehicles travel the Western Freeway stretch between Melton and Caroline Springs every single day, with this figure expected to rise to approximately 113,000 by 2031.

It’s a critical transport route for passengers and freight, which links with major freight routes throughout the state including Midland, Sunraysia, Pyrenees, Henty and Wimmera Highways.

The investment will go towards improving capacity and safety along the freeway between Melton and Caroline Springs, with upgrades to be identified and prioritised between the Australian and Victorian governments from the jointly funded business case being finalised by the Victorian Government. 

$100 million will be allocated towards planning and early works to upgrade the intersection of the freeway with Brewery Tap Road in Warrenheip.

In addition, we’re providing $6.1 million towards two bridge strengthening upgrades between Stawell and the South Australian border. 

The Albanese and Allan Governments will undertake bridge strengthening works at the Dimboola Bridge over the Melbourne-Adelaide Railway Line and Dadswells Bridge over the Mt William Creek Floodplain, reducing transit times and providing better efficiency of freight movements between rural industries and manufacturers, while allowing for industry growth and regional development.

Construction of these bridge upgrades is expected to commence in 2025 and end by 2026. 

The Albanese Government remains dedicated to working for all Australians by delivering nationally significant infrastructure projects that enhance productivity and resilience, improve liveability, and promote sustainability.  

Quotes attributable to Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King:

“We’re investing in the transport projects that matter most to Victorians, delivering a rail link to Melbourne Airport, fixing our regional and suburban roads, and strengthening our busiest freeways. 

“We’re investing $2.1 billion in the Western Freeway corridor, $7 billion in the Melbourne Airport rail link, and $1 billion in a suburban road blitz because we care about our cities, our suburbs and our regions. 

“The Liberals and Nationals starved Victorians of infrastructure funding over their decade in government, and we won’t let that happen again.”

Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Gorton Brendan O’Connor: 

“Those who regularly travel on this stretch of the Western Freeway know full well how much this $1 billion investment is needed. 

“The Liberals ignored this for nine years while the traffic got heavier and the road conditions worsened. 

“Only Labor Governments invest in the west.”