Rockhampton Ring Road construction contracts awarded

Construction of the first phase of the Rockhampton Ring Road project is on the way with contracts awarded to Bielby-BMD Joint Venture and Acciona-Fulton Hogan Joint Venture.

This initial phase includes $280 million in upgrades across location-based packages in the north and south of the project footprint. Construction is on track to start in late 2023.

The Australian and Queensland governments have committed $1.065 billion to the Rockhampton Ring Road under the Bruce Highway Upgrade Program (BHUP). The Australian Government’s commitment is $852 million.

The northern package focuses on the ring road’s connection with the Bruce Highway at the Rockhampton–Yeppoon Road intersection in Parkhurst.

A new section of road and embankment will be constructed from the Bruce Highway west to Monier Road, on an alignment between the existing emergency services precinct and the Dreamtime Culture Centre.

New accesses will be constructed for the Dreamtime Cultural Centre, Queensland Ambulance Service and Queensland Fire and Emergency Services precinct.

Upgrades to local roads that will ultimately connect with the ring road, including existing and realigned sections of Boundary Road, McLaughlin Street and Monier Road access, will also be delivered by Bielby-BMD Joint Venture.

The southern package has two work locations in the West Rockhampton and Pink Lily area.

Upgrades on Rockhampton–Ridgelands Road will include Canoona Road intersection, the replacement of Lion Creek Bridge, modifications to Osbourne Road and construction of the Osbourne Road-Ridgelands Road roundabout with provision for future connection to the ring road.

The Rockhampton–Ridgelands Road and Nine Mile Road intersection will also be upgraded.

In addition, the southern package awarded to Acciona-Fulton Hogan Joint Venture will include pre-loading the ring road embankment just north of the connection with the Capricorn Highway, to accommodate the future Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline.

Construction on this phase is expected to be completed in the 2025–26 financial year.

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Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King:

“The Australian and Queensland governments are committed to delivering the $1.065 billion Rockhampton Ring Road project.

“Getting works started on this initial package has remained a priority, which is why we committed $80 million under the BHUP to ensure boots and machines are on the ground starting works this year.”

“The project forms part of the Australian and Queensland governments’ long-term partnership to upgrade the Bruce Highway, improving safety, flood resilience and capacity along the highway between Brisbane and Cairns.”

Quotes attributable to Queensland Minister for Transport and Main Roads Mark Bailey:

“I am pleased to announce that major construction is on track to start this year on the first package of works for the Rockhampton Ring Road.

“This achievement builds on early works underway since late 2022 to ready the road corridor alignment for construction.

“Ultimately, the Rockhampton Ring Road will deliver 17.4 kilometres of new roadway incorporating 18 bridges and 14.7 kilometres of new alignment for the Bruce Highway to the west of Rockhampton.

“Since 2013 significant infrastructure projects recommended in the Fitzroy River Floodplain and Road Planning Study have been delivered by the Queensland Government for the benefit of the entire region.

“These include the Yeppen North and South projects, Capricorn Highway Duplication and Rockhampton Northern Access Upgrade project and the Bruce Highway Upgrade Program work north of the city, totalling over half a billion dollars.”

Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Senator for Queensland Anthony Chisholm:

“The Albanese Government is committed to delivering the infrastructure upgrades that Central Queensland needs to improve travel times and protect lives.

“As more people choose to call this area home, that means more cars on our roads. Backing significant infrastructure upgrades like this remains a high priority. The Rockhampton Ring Road will provide locals and visitors with a safer journey.

“This long-term traffic congestion solution for Queensland's biggest highway will unlock future economic growth, build flood resilience and support jobs.”

Quotes attributable to State Member for Rockhampton Barry O'Rourke:

“The Rockhampton Ring Road is a transformational project for the Rockhampton region.

“The economic benefits of the planning and development phase, service relocations and early works is already evident with over 65 per cent of contracts in the plan and preserve phase awarded to local businesses, totalling over $17 million of local content.

“Service relocations for Ergon, Telstra, Optus and NBN are progressing, and gas service relocations are programmed to begin in mid to late 2023.

“Over $50 million in contract value has already been committed locally for the delivery phase of the project, representing over 45 per cent of committed delivery contracts value to date (at end May 2023).

“Discussions are underway with government agencies and service providers to support local businesses to upskill their capabilities in readiness for future opportunities linked to the project.”

Quotes attributable to State Member for Keppel Brittany Lauga:

“The momentum of the project has been very visible since early work got underway in November last year, with Telstra services along the Bruce Highway and the recent relocation of the 4US Indigenous Radio Station building into the Dreamtime Cultural Centre, to ready the road corridor for construction.

“The commencement of these works for the Rockhampton Ring Road is part of a huge infrastructure pipeline in Central Queensland, which includes the Yeppoon Road Upgrade and the Rockhampton–Emu Park Road safety and capacity upgrades.”