Road blitz delivers for Melbourne's west

The Albanese and Allan Labor Governments are fixing roads across Victoria, improving safety and better connecting Melbourne’s suburbs, Victoria’s regions, and surrounds.

As part of our governments’ road blitz, we’re delivering two new projects in a big win for the west, including:

  • $55 million to duplicate and upgrade Central Avenue between Lunn Court and Skehan Boulevarde in Altona Meadows;
  • $3.5 million for a business case to upgrade Point Cook Road between Jamieson Way and Dunnings Road, building on previous work to develop the project scope. 

As critical connecting roads to the Princes Freeway, these will be transformative projects for Melbourne’s west, reducing travel times and improving safety for the residents of Point Cook and surrounding growing suburbs. 

The Princes Freeway is the main access road connecting the western suburbs to the city.

It carries approximately 40,000 vehicles per day from Geelong, increasing to 90,000 vehicles per day at the Western Ring Road. 

The Central Avenue and Point Cook intersection is used by nearly 28,000 vehicles a day.

With congestion set to grow, travel times are expected to significantly increase. 

These projects are part of the Albanese Labor Government’s $1 billion Road Blitz, matching the existing near billion-dollar road blitz campaign by the Allan Labor Government, who have since added an additional $200 million.

This follows funding already allocated to five projects under the Road Blitz.

Delivery timeframes for the projects will be determined in consultation with the Victorian Government.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King:

“We’re giving Victorians the infrastructure they deserve after being short-changed by the former coalition government. 

“This will be transformative project for Melbourne’s west, better connecting these growing suburbs with the city and the region.

“The road blitz will fund projects to improve network efficiency, travel times and road safety in key areas of Melbourne and its surrounds.”

Quotes attributable to Victorian Minister for Transport Infrastructure Gabrielle Williams:

“After ten years of neglect from the federal Liberal National Party, it’s fantastic to have a partner in Canberra that can find Victoria on a map and deliver critical investments to keep our state moving.”

“Our growing communities deserve the very best road connections, which is why we are investing more to improve traffic flow and boost safety across Melbourne’s west.”

“We are getting on delivering these critical road projects that Victorians use and depend on every day – boosting safety and cutting congestion." 

Quotes attributable to Federal Member for Gellibrand Tim Watts:

“Growing suburbs in Melbourne’s west need growing infrastructure investments to match. 

“My constituents have been stuck in traffic for too long. ​

“After a decade of neglect under the coalition, the federal Albanese government is acting, delivering the funding needed for building Australia’s future.

“Residents in Point Cook have long been waiting for a fix for Point Cook Road.

"This business case will provide the state government with a plan for the solution.”

Quotes attributable to State Member for Point Cook Mathew Hilakari:

“This expanded project and financial contribution means that we will be doing this road once and doing it properly, and I thank the federal government for its contribution."