Australia's latest domestic aviation performance released

The latest BITRE On Time Performance (OTP) report, for November, has been released, confirming what many Australians would expect with the lowest average on time statistics by airlines in over a year.

Bonza and Rex led the way for the month with on time performances of 73.9% and 70.5% respectively.

Virgin Australia was the worst performer for the month, with only 54.3% of flights arriving on time.

Sitting in the middle, 66.3% of Qantas flights arrived on schedule.

Across all airlines, last month’s average on time arrivals figure of 64.1 per cent was significantly lower than the long-term average performance of 81.1 per cent across all routes.

The on time departures figure of 65.9 per cent was also significantly lower than the long-term average of 82.3 per cent.

Cancellations were at 3.7 per cent for the month, compared with the long-term average of 2.2 per cent.

Given these very disappointing results, it is no wonder that so many Australians remain fed up with our major airlines.

Like all Australians, the Government wants an aviation sector that supports our nation’s way of life and this means services need to be reliable, competitive and affordable.

That's why we have committed to delivering an Aviation White Paper, expected to be released in mid-2024, to set the scene for the next generation of growth and development across the aviation sector.

This will include consideration of how we can better protect the interests of consumers, whether that be a stronger ombudsman model or other measures implemented in overseas jurisdictions.

As Australians gear up to travel for Christmas and the holidays, the Government will be keeping a close eye on the performance of all our major airlines.


BITRE’s ongoing OTP reporting plays a critical role allowing open and transparent evaluation of overall industry and individual airline punctuality and reliability, so that the travelling public can make informed decisions.

The November OTP report includes monthly totals for each route by each airline – currently covering a total of 59 routes and eight domestic airlines.

This was the first month reporting includes Australia’s latest airline Bonza, which joins Jetstar, Qantas, QantasLink, Rex Airlines, Skytrans, Virgin Australia and Virgin Australia Regional Airlines as a regular covered in the report.