Investing in a better future for Tasmania
The Albanese Labor Government is making more critical investments in Tasmanian infrastructure to improve road safety and cut travel times.
In next week’s Budget, we are investing more than $219 million in a roads package for the state.
This will fund over $124 million for new projects, including:
Lyell Highway – Granton to New Norfolk.
Huon Highway Corridor upgrades.
Planning along the Devonport to Cradle Mountain and Arthur Highway Corridors.
We are also committing $95 million to ensure the following existing projects can be delivered:
Mornington Roundabout Upgrade.
Midland Highway – Campbell Town North (Campbell Town to Epping Forest).
Algona Road Grade Separated Interchange and Duplication of the Kingston Bypass.
The Lyell Highway upgrade will boost safety and reliability of travel times along narrow sections of the highway. This will greatly improve access to tourism hotspots and vital community facilities in New Norfolk and the Derwent Valley.
The Mornington Roundabout is a key pinch point causing congestion and safety concerns. This investment will ensure the necessary upgrades for improved driveability and traffic flow.
The planning projects along key Tasmanian corridors will lay the ground work for a pipeline of future investments that are properly scoped, designed and costed.
This builds on our existing investment in Tasmania of over $2 billion, delivering 35 road and rail projects.
We are working closely with the Tasmanian Government on priority projects for the benefit of the community.
We are getting on with delivering a better future for all Australians, one made in Australia that builds economic opportunity and thriving communities.
We will have more to say about infrastructure spending in Tasmania at Budget time.
Quotes attributable to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:
“When residents and visitors move around Tasmania, they move around by road. But after a decade of neglect, many of Tasmania’s roads are not fit for purpose.
“Last year Tasmania lost more than 30 people on the roads, with more than 300 critically injured. That’s not good enough.
“This investment in our Budget is about getting Tasmania moving safely - to allow people to spend less time on the road and more time with their loved ones.”
Quotes attributable to Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King:
“We are working for all Australians to deliver significant infrastructure that connects communities, stimulates jobs and builds the future of our nation.
“The hard work we undertook to clean up the mess in the infrastructure pipeline means there is room to deal with ongoing cost pressures and plan for future projects.
“I thank the Tasmanian Government for working closely with us to ensure the delivery of these projects.”
Quotes attributable to Member for Franklin Julie Collins:
“This is another example of the Albanese Labor Government delivering key infrastructure projects for Tasmania.
“I welcome the additional funding for vital infrastructure projects in my electorate of Franklin, including for the Mornington Roundabout and the Algona Road Upgrade – these projects have long been a concern for people in our local community.
“I look forward to continuing to work with the Tasmanian Government to ensure we can implement the possible solutions for our community.”
Quotes attributable to Senator for Tasmania Carol Brown:
“I’m thrilled the Albanese Government continues to invest heavily in Tasmania, with a range of exciting new projects to bolster road safety and increase productivity.
“We are also demonstrating our commitment to finishing existing projects, like the Mornington Roundabout, which are crucial pieces of infrastructure for our local communities.
“This roads package will increase road safety and reduce the risks of serious crashes and fatalities, helping to keep Tasmanian’s safe.
“Road safety is a shared responsibility across all levels of government, and across the community.”
Quote attributable to Senator for Tasmania Anne Urquhart:
“Upgrading roads to popular tourism destinations will keep our tourists safe and also residents and community members safe while travelling our beautiful state of Tasmania.”
Quotes attributable to Senator for Tasmania Helen Polley:
“These road upgrades and improvements to rural and regional roads and tourism corridors are crucial to the safety of Tasmanians and tourists.
“The Albanese Government is investing in road safety to help protect all road users. Too many Tasmanians have lost their life on Tasmanian roads and these upgrades will go a long way to ensuring safer roads that are fit for purpose.”
Quotes attributable to Senator for Tasmania Catryna Bilyk:
“Motorists in greater Hobart have been grappling with traffic congestion for some time now.
“With the Mornington roundabout and Kingston Bypass upgrades, the Albanese Government is taking action to ease some of these bottlenecks that are causing frustration for so many motorists.”
Quote attributable to Member for Lyons Brian Mitchell:
“This funding is all about improving motorists travelling experiences. This enables motorists everything Tasmania has to offer on safe and better roads.”